This is the paradigm of lovingness, the realm of spirit, and the vortex of fields that range from appreciation and gratitude through caring, healing, and compassion, and all the way to joy and ecstasy. This is the Loving Guiding Spirit.
The experience of the paradigm of spirit is drastically different from the paradigms of body and mind. For example, compare the vibe field of gratitude to the vibe field of Reason Understanding Wisdom. The realm of mind is in the material world, the Newtonian paradigm of cause and effect. Reason deals with particulars while the vibe fields in the this spirit realm deal with the whole, the holy, the divine. These vibe fields from gratitude to joy are not intellectual and do not come from the mind. Rather, they come from the heart.
There is no scientific proof or measurement of the vibe fields of the spirit realm. All you have is your experience, your sense of knowing. Below, the realm of the mind includes the vibe field of “understanding”. So you can see that the vibe fields of the spirit realm are literally “beyond understanding”. To rise through these vibe fields, it is necessary to delete your need to understand. The intellect is the greatest block to resonating in these fields.
The gateway vibe for entry into the spirit realm is to be thankful or grateful. You can enter through the gateway at any time simply by turning your eyes upward, open or closed, and repeating the words, “Thank you”.
Gratitude is the feeling, the vibe field, and a major part of your attitude in this paradigm. The feeling center of gratitude is in your chest. It starts with a feeling of mild tranquility then a feeling of opening like a flower, a lightness of being.
Entry into the spirit realm is accompanied by a release of endorphins. The energy is shared with others. Humans can receive this energy, feel the energy within, and spread this energy to others.
This is the vibe of kindness. You can raise your vibe anytime by being kind. You can practice unconditional kindness, with kindness all the time to everyone because we are all the same kind.
Self-love is self-acceptance. You let go of self-judgement. You let go of comparing yourself to others. You are progressively reaching unconditional acceptance of yourself. This feeling of self-love expands your sense of self and your connection to others.
Love takes no position. It is increasingly inclusive. It is global, rising above separation. It is possible to be “one with another” with no barriers. It can lift others and accomplish great feats because of its purity of motive. One sure way to constantly reaffirm and enhance your connection with others is to say “I still love you”.
What is ‘True Love’? True Love is an overused phrase that has been misused and abused for so long that it no longer has any value. So let us understand it in a deeper way and give it value. This is not “Hollywood love” which is conditional and where there is dependency, control, and emotional sentimental attachment. Love is a verb. It is something you choose, to care about someone.
True love or lovingness is experienced as an energy field of unconditional acceptance. Loving is a way of being in the world. It is forgiving, nurturing, and supportive. Loving results in the return of love. To be loving is to be lovable. The more that loving is practiced, the more unconditional it becomes.
As your vibration rises, the field opens to the power of healing. You can feel this healing energy running through your body. You can also send this healing power to others with your intention.
Compassion literally means to suffer together. It is a full body feeling of sympathy and empathy with the desire to alleviate the sorrow. It is vital to the survival of our species.
Unconditional love is unchanging and permanent compassion. It includes unconditional acceptance. You enter the room of compassion, lock the doors, and choose compassion for everyone, in all situations, under all conditions, and at all times.
This is the goal! You can make it here any time. All you have to do is to let go of everything that is not compassion. But this is rare and does not come without problems. There may come a time when you ‘fall in love’ with everything and everyone you meet. Curiously enough, this intense love frightens many people. If you are radiating lovingness, many people cannot look fully into your eyes for more than a brief moment. Some people even panic when exposed to love.
As love becomes more unconditional, it begins to be experienced as inner joy. This is the vibe of saints and true spiritual healers. There is an enormous capacity for patience.
Joy is the ecstatic feeling that everything is made of love. This vibe field gives you the feeling that everything is perfect because it’s in the process of unfolding to perfection. Energy flows through you like a fountain of light.
Joy is the highest vibration that a human can achieve on purpose.
Quotes and Memes
Appreciation is the pathway to the Gratitude Gateway. “Thank you” is the password to open the gate.
“Gratitude is the sweet fragrance of an opening heart.” ~ Aine Belton
“Beauty is not in the face. Beauty is a light in the heart.” ~ Kahlil Gibran
“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” ~ Fred Rogers
“Love is Letting Go of Fear.” ~ Gerald Jampolsky
Buddhist tradition describes three styles of compassionate leadership: the trailblazer, who leads from the front, takes risks, and sets an example; the ferryman, who accompanies those in his care, sharing the ups and downs of the crossing; and the shepherd, who sees each one of his flock into safety before himself. What these approaches have in common is an all-encompassing concern for the welfare of those they lead. ~ Dalai Lama
“As we learn to have compassion for ourselves, the circle of compassion for others — what and whom we can work with, and how — becomes wider.” ~ Pema Chödrön
“Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.” ~ Pema Chödrön
“When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, and his suffering is spilling over. He does not need punishment; he needs help. That’s the message he is sending.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
“Until we extend the circle of compassion to all living things, we will not ourselves find peace.” ~ Albert Schweitzer
“Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.” ~ Jackson Kiddard
“Joy is prayer – Joy is strength – Joy is love – Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” ~ Mother Teresa
Pull the blanket of thankfulness up to your chin and snuggle in the warmth of gratitude.
“I could have danced all night!” ~ Alan Jay Lerner & Frederick Loewe
Raise the Vibe
To raise the vibe from Loving Guiding Spirit to Enlightened Peaceful Soul, surrender everything to the higher vibes. Only Grace can raise your vibe from here.