
Ultimately a great nation is a compassionate nation.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 – 1968)

Let’s explore your country’s government within the Vibe Model. In which Vibe Field does your government resonate?

Here in the USA, we call our country’s highest offices of government the Federal Government. What is your perception of your government and how does that compare to others?

We are not evaluating your culture or your corporations. In this survey, it is just how you feel about the government of your country. It is not about foreign policy either, only how your government affects you. But, we are looking at the whole government, not just a single branch (the leader, the judges, or any one branch that you might be dealing with the most). Just for this survey, how do you feel overall about all aspects of your government that affect you? Let’s look at the spectrum of vibes in the Vibe Model.

Peaceful Soul
Is your government at your will, doing everything exactly how you think it should be done? Probably not, but if you felt like it did, that would be the ideal, wouldn’t it? You couldn’t get any better than being “One with my Government“.
Loving Guiding SpiritSince your government is also the government of thousands, millions, or even a billion other people, what would be the ideal government for the many? Do you live in complete peace? Is it the goal of your government to assure that every aspect of your life is bathed in love and that you experience joy whenever you want? If it is, then your government is the “Peace and Love Government“.
Without a loving government, what’s the next best we can get? Perhaps your government is wise and understanding of the collective and individual needs of its people. Is your government providing meaningful work for all of its citizens? Is your government distributing the wealth of its people in a fair manner? Is your government intelligently planning for the future with wisdom? If so, then your government is the “Wise Government“.
Without that wisdom then, what’s the next best government you could have? Does it nurture a harmonious life for all, treating all equally? Instead of punishment, is there restorative justice? If so, then your government is the “Merciful Government“.
Without being merciful then, what’s the next best government you could have? Does your government inspire you to have hope, optimistic that life is getting better all the time? An ideal government like this would pay you to get a higher education so that you can be a happier and more productive citizen. Does your government at least have the intention to keep evolving to meet the needs of its citizens to maximize your potential? If so, then your government is the “Inspiring Government“.
If you don’t feel inspired by your government, then what’s the next best government? Can you trust your government? Does your government enable its people and not block them from following their own inspirations? Is everything that your government does satisfactory to you? If so, then your government is the “Enabling Government“.
If not, then at least your government is on your side and not against you, right? Even if your government doesn’t enable your success, at least they don’t get in the way of it. You don’t feel like you’re prevented or restricted but instead you feel permitted to seek happiness. Doing what you want is still allowed. Do you feel affirmed by your government to do whatever you have the courage to do? If so, then your government is the “Allowing Government“.
But, you say, I don’t feel like my government is really looking out for my interests. There are too many things I’m not allowed to do. Plus, it feels like my government wants what I have and will take it with force if I don’t comply with all their rules. If you feel this way, then your government is the “Demanding Government“.
It’s worse than that, you say? Does your government aggressively antagonize you when your only sin is being a citizen? Is there social injustice and inequality? If so, then your government is the “Antagonistic Government“.
It could be worse, you know. Maybe you feel that it is. Maybe you thought your country would offer more. You might be disappointed in your government. Your government has denied you your rights that you feel you deserve. You want more but you are a slave to your government. Your government is the “Denying Government“.
No? It’s even worse than that for you? You live in fear and it’s because of your government. You withdraw in every way from everything, afraid and constantly wanting better. Your gov is the “Government of Fear“.
What could be worse? You had to ask. Your government sees its citizens as a burden. You feel unworthy. You have suffered great loss and sadness. Your government is the “Government of Grief“.
At least you had hope with that government. You cried but you also ate. When your situation gets worse, even your hope fades away. You feel condemned by your government. In despair, you stop trying. Your government is the “Government of Condemnation“.