UNUSED – The Vibe Model

There is a spectrum of human vibes from the bottomless pit of hopeless misery, to the juiciness of winning, to the nobility of hope and mercy, to the love and joy of the divine. Each rise from a lower vibe to a higher vibe brings you more power, more truth, more happiness, more beauty, and more peace.

Forget about objects and things. Enter the post-materialistic world. Everything in the universe is just vibrations of imaginary strings.

You are a spectrum of vibe fields!

The Vibe Model gives you:

    • An understanding of human nature as fields of vibration.
    • A tool for spiritual development.
    • A way to measure your conscious evolution.

Four Human Realms

“When the music changes, so does the dance.” ~ African Proverb

To rise from the Spirit Realm to the Soul Realm, surrender everything to the higher vibes. Only Grace can raise your vibe from here.

There is a Gratitude Gateway at the entrance to the Spirit Realm.

At the top of the Mind Realm, there is a Science Ceiling. Science cannot prove the existence of the higher vibes.

There is a ceiling of animal pride holding down your vibes. Rising above it requires the surrendering of the payoffs of the ego.

Vibe Fields

All human experience happens in a Vibe Field.

We resonate with Vibe Fields. We tend to resonate in one Vibe Field, our home base. But, the entire range is possible at any time.

Every vibe field is a different experience of being.

Within each field, you think it’s the only field.

Major shifts in perception occur when changing from one realm of fields to another.

You are both transmitting and receiving the field vibrations.

You are heavily influenced by each field in many ways, including these:

  • Blood Chemistry
  • Brain Chemistry
  • Physical Energy
  • Hormones
  • Emotions
  • Perceptions
  • Attitude

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