What is Love?

Let’s explore the spectrum in the Vibe Model between “Reason, Understanding, Wisdom” and “Peace, Enlightenment, Oneness”. We call this the Spectrum of Love.

From the bottom to the top, there is progressively more energy as you move from a lower field to a higher field.

The table on the right is an expansion of the Love energy fields into more detail.





Love is a spectrum of energy fields that are progressively  (from the bottom of this table to the top) unconditional, unchanging, and permanent.

Joy Joy is the ecstatic feeling that everything is made of love. Energy flows through you like a fountain of light. Joy is the highest vibration that a human can achieve on purpose.
Unconditional Love Unconditional love is unchanging and permanent compassion and unconditional acceptance. You enter the room of compassion, lock the doors, and choose compassion for everyone, in all situations, under all conditions, and at all times.
Compassion Compassion literally means to suffer together. It is a full body feeling of sympathy and empathy with the desire to alleviate the sorrow. It is vital to the survival of our species.
Lovingness Lovingness is a way of being in the world. It is forgiving, nurturing, and supportive. Lovingness results in the return of love. To be loving is to be lovable.

The more that love is practiced, the more unconditional it becomes.

Healing This field is the openness to the healing power of love.

You can receive, channel, and give this healing power.

Love of others Here, love expands your sense of self. It is inclusive. It rises above separation. It is possible to be “one with another” with no barriers. It can lift others and accomplish great feats because of its purity of motive. It is enhanced with “I still love you”.
Love of self Self-love is self-acceptance. You let go of comparison to others and of self-judgement. It is progressively reaching unconditional acceptance of yourself.
Love Love is complete. It has no needs. All love is accompanied by a release of endorphins. Humans can detect and receive love, feel love within, and give and spread love.
Thankfulness Thankfulness is the main doorway to love. The feeling center is in your chest. It starts with a feeling a mild tranquility then a feeling of opening like a flower. Pull the blanket of thankfulness up to your chin and snuggle in the warmth of gratitude.
Love is above intellect Love is not intellectual and does not come from the mind. Rather, love emanates from the heart. Reason deals with particulars. Love deals with the whole (holy and divine).
Categorized as Peace

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